Haradali School in Arusha

One of the projects we support, is the Haradali School in Arusha.


Haradali is an English Medium school which was established in 2005 and officially registered in 2008.
It started with a wooden house as the only classroom, three teachers and 31 students. But it grew quickly and already has almost 900 pupils and 65 staff members.
Haradali is based on Christian ethics, but they welcome children from every cultural background and religion.
It is both a pre- and a primary school and the teachers prepare a progressive book for each child which covers his or her academic information.
Three school busses transport every day all kids who live too far from school to walk.
Some of the kids are street kids,orphans or vulnerable children.

Volunteers are always welcome to help in the school! You can teach English or other subjects there (depending on your profession), help the kids with their homework, organize after-school activities, support the team by administrative issues and much more.

You can contact us for more information!

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